Share your car on Getaround

What you need to know and do to be ready

Sharing your car on Getaround will be very similar to how it has worked on Nabobil. There are a few differences, some nice new features, and a couple of things to pay attention to if you want to get going from day one.

Update your ad to be ready for bookings

To have uninterrupted availability of your car in search and to make your car attractive for bookings at Getaround on Nov 16th, complete the checklist below:

  • Pre-accept Getaround terms of service
    Pre-accept Getarounds terms of service before Nov 16th to have your car migrated and available for bookings from day one. If you don’t do this before the migration, you will be prompted to accept them after first sign in to Getaround.
  • Update pickup and delivery instructions
    “Pickup instructions” and “Delivery instructions” will replace “Auto-responses” on Getaround. Use these fields for any information that is relevant for your renters at pickup and delivery.
    Also select what kind of parking you have for your vehicle (public or private).
    You’ll find those fields under communication preferences on your listing ad.
  • Quality check your car ad(s)
    Make sure you have up-to-date and accurate information about your car in your ad.
    Any new cars added to Getaround will be manually verified before they’re made available to renters. Use quality photos and accurate descriptions to stay competitive on Getaround.
    If you share several cars, you might be eligible for a pro account, but that will require a quality assessment of your ads.
  • Branded cars
    Rebranding Nabobil branded cars to Getaround will be a continuous process, and due to capacity, not every branded car can be rebranded before the launch of Getaround in Norway.
    If Nabobil hasn't reached out to you about rebranding your car we would like you to remove the Nabobil branding in the meantime.
    Please schedule an appointment for your car.

Getaround Connect

Nabobil uten Nøkkel is called Getaround Connect, the technology is the same and if you already have it installed in your car(s) you’ll be ready for Getaround Connect rentals without any further configuration.

By default all cars that have the box installed will be made available for instant booking on Nov 16th.

  • Pre-accept the Getaround terms of service before Nov 16th to have your car migrated in an active state. If you don’t pre-accept Getarounds terms of service your car will be unavailable for rentals until you’ve signed in and accepted the terms on Getaround and reactivated your car.
  • Update your calendar at Nabobil with any unavailability you know of to avoid unnecessary cancellations of instant bookings.


You do not have a car on Nabobil. The examples below are provided as an example.
If you have a Nabobil user and a published car, sign in to view the pricing changes that applies to you.

Price componentNabobilGetaroundInfo
Service level fee25 %25 %Your earnings will stay the same as today.
1 hourNot allowed193 krDrivers will be able to book for 1 hour on Getaround. Price for the first hour will be 55 % of the daily price, then ~6 % per consecutive hour.
2 hoursNot allowed213 kr
3-8 hours240 kr/3 h
then 80 kr/h
233 kr/3 h
then ~20 kr/h
1 day350 kr350 krPrice per day must be more than 150 kr and less than 2500 kr on Getaround and set in 10 kr intervals.
2 days700 kr700 krYou’ll be able to give drivers a discount for rentals longer than 1 day. Your car will be migrated without a discount. You can change this discount on November 16th.
1 week1,900 kr1,900 krGetaround requires a minimum discount of 5 % on weekly rentals and a maximum discount of 85 %. The recommendation is 20 %.
1 month6,000 kr6,000 krGetaround requires a minimum discount of 25 % on monthly rentals and a maximum discount of 96 %. The recommendation is 45 %.
Extra mileage earnings2.25 kr/km 2.98 kr/km Your earnings will be based on the risk category and value of your car.
Extra mileage price for driver3 kr/km 3.50 - 5.25 kr/km Price for extra mileage is based on the risk category and value of your car. Drivers will be able to purchase extra mileage up front with a 33 % discount Getaround.

Included mileage will be calculated the same way as on Nabobil.

In addition to the changes above, you’ll get access to a pricing calendar with individual prices per day. This will make the demand based pricing more transparent. You’ll be able to override the price for any given day.

Disclaimer: the prices above are approximate and there might be small adjustments after your car has been migrated on November 16th due to rounding or differences in calculations between the two platforms. The amounts are based on what you would like to earn before our service level fee, and drivers will still pay insurance and trip fee for bookings.

After November 16th


In order to receive payouts from Getaround, please sign in to your account and verify your identity under payment settings.

Verify your settings

Your preferences set for your car(s) on Nabobil will be transferred, but since there are a few differences in the setup, please have a look at your settings for each car to verify your availability and preferences.

New features

Dynamic pricing

Dynamic pricing works similar as before, where prices will be adjusted depending on season and public holidays. Having it enabled comes with a long anticipated feature, you can override the daily price for days when you want to set a specific price, high or low. Use it to gain a competitive advantage in your local area or to boost your earnings during local events.

Access hours for pickup and delivery

You can set up specific time slots each weekday for when you want your car to be available for pickup and delivery, e.g. 24h a day, never on Sundays or even fixed hours for each weekday.

Rentals by the hour

By default, all cars can be rented by the hour at Getaround, but this is up to you. If you do not wish shorter rentals for your car, set a minimum rental duration of as little as 2 hours or up to 6 days.

Calendar: block half-days

Adding unavailabilities to your calendar can now be done in half day increments.